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Department of Neurology

Department of Neurosurgery

Department of Psychiatry

Programs in Neuroscience

Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences


American Academy of Neurology

American Association of Neurological Surgeons

Congress of Neurological Surgeons

Society for Neuroscience

Women in Neurosurgery

So You Want to be a Neurosurgeon

    This was created by Women in Neurosurgery organization for both men and women considering neurosurgery as a career choice. It provides a wealth of information as well as useful links to other sites.



Neuroanatomy: Draw it to Know it

    Draw it to Know it provides step-by-step draw-along tutorials, a complete brain atlas, and a muscle and nerve directory, which will greatly simplify any neuroanatomy course or clinical neurology rotation. The tutorials teach the high yield pathways and structures of neuroanatomy in a practical and memorable way. They focus on the highlights of clinical neuroanatomy but contain the breadth of information requisite for any neuroanatomy course or clinical neurology rotation.